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Bodice Fitting Course DVD

£ 58.50
Bodice Fitting Course DVD

Fit and sew your bodice blueprint successfully with these lessons from Glenda. 

For those of you who would love to attend a personal hands-on Sure-Fit Designs™ fitting class but can't for any reason, this DVD brings the class to you. Get the best bodice fit with Glenda and your Sure-Fit Designs™ Dress Kit


- Professional fitting/sewing instruction

- 2-DVD set

- Downloadable manual

- Over 3 hours of video content

- Lots of close-ups - extensive & beneficial information

- Easy to follow & understand

- Complete step-by-step sewing construction details demonstrated

- 52 pro-tips on fitting & sewing

- Filmed in HD for detailed clarity

This DVD comes with a code to stream the course online for free on the Sure Fit Academy site. Please contact me if you are struggling to redeem this online course. 

Watch the video below for a preview of the Bodice Fitting Course DVD.

Packaging may vary.
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